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الصفحة الرئسية الإتصال خريطة الموقع
    الإستقبال : Society  Assistance to the young people
Assistance to the young people

The municipality of Tunis works through its action directed with the young people, to concretize the policy of the State on the matter. Its interventions touch the students, the pupils, the young people having stopped their studies and those which are threatened by exclusion. ..

  • Interventions through the association of the productive family and social action:


    Besides the granting of the school assistances and subscriptions of school transport (nearly 70 recipients) at the the beginning of the scholar year, association continues its action in favor as of young people throughout the year. It ensures of the courses of support the pupils in the colleges or through the students supported by association (nearly 50 recipients). In parallel, the Club of the young people of the city El Mechtel in El Agba ensures of the courses of support the profit as of pupils in collaboration with the students and the graduates supported by association. The pupils having stopped their studies profit from the intervention of association to ensure to them a formation adapted to their capacities and needs. 22 pupils profited from this assistance requiring an amount of about 2500 dinars.
    A global envelope of about 70000 dinars annually is offered at the time of back to university to 70 students thus removing .

  • The framing and assistance with marginalized youth:
    This action is interested in marginalized youth living under difficult social conditions (divorced parents, orphan…). It consists in framing them and reintegrating them in the normal life through an social assistance and psychological. The space of youth to Al Hafsia represents a perfect example where the young people take part in sporting plays of which they have to comply with the rules (training to thus comply with the rules the law).

    Association tries to also integrate these young people in the working life :
    It invites them to work in an occasional way within its structures at the time of the return to school and of religious holidays. She sensitizes them with the importance of the value of work while anchoring on their premises the principles of the social communication and the good behavior with the other.

    Interventions through other associations :
    For better carrying out the projects and the programs directed towards this category of young people, the Association of the productive family and the social action develops united actions with a set of associations.
    As the association of the social protection which profits from an annual municipal subsidy of about 5000 DT. It offers monthly purses of a value of 50 dinars to 12 nonstock exchange students. 


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