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الصفحة الرئسية الإتصال خريطة الموقع

Municipal laboratory
Control and sanitary inspection
Medical Prestation
Fighting infectious disease's carriers
Urbain Environment

    الإستقبال : Hygiene  Fighting infectious disease's carriers
Fighting infectious disease's carriers

Within the framework of the protection of hygiene and public health in the communal perimeter of the capital, the municipality of Tunis grants an interest to the fight against the disease carriers. This fight concerns the concern of stopping the propagation of certain contagious diseases, taking into account the role of vector played by the insects and the rodents in their transmission. ...


In this direction, the dedicated services of the town of Tunis implement an annual program of intervention together with a planning of execution covering the various shutters of the fight against the vectors: (crawlings, mosquitoes, flies, insects and rodents).
Concerning the mosquitoes, those of the kind Anopheles vectors of the hématozoaire of paludism currently do not constitute a medical danger taking into account the eradication total of paludism in Tunisia and the permanent medical monitoring and medical of the travelers coming from the foreign countries.

For the fight against the other kinds of insects, the city intervenes by the means of preventive methods of cleansing and délarvisation of stagnant water. The program of fight extends over all the year and interests principalyl the lists of larvae such as the cellars and under-floor spaces of the buildings, the wells, the fountains of the public gardens in urban environment, and the wades, the channels with open sky (waste water and rain water), the drains of waste water in suburban medium.

The methods of fight in urban environment and suburban call firstly upon work of medical genius and cleansing of the various types of lists within the framework of an integrated fight (draining of cellars, clearing out, weeding, drainage, filling) and secondarily with the delarvisation by giving priority to the biological products without incidence on the medium, while ensuring a laboratory monitoring as for the sensitivity of the larvae of mosquitos with respect to chemical insecticides employed.

As regards to the fight against the flies, it is undertaken in the sites of incubation and reproduction of these insects, of which in particular, the whole of the municipal markets (29), refuse tips and their neighbouring perimeter, the wild deposits of refuse, the centers of transfer, the containers, the slaughter-houses, cattle sheds and hen houses in the rural areas.
The services of the city also proceed to the insect control of certain places and public agencies such as the mosques, the hospital institutions, the civil prisons, the jails, the barracks, the restaurants and university home, the theaters and cinemas,…


Within the framework of its program of fight against the rodents, the service of the vectorial anti fight (urban) proceed annually to operations of rat exterminations in the cellars, spaces underfloor of the buildings, in the establishments and public places such as the colleges, the elementary schools, the boarding schools, the barracks, the hospitals, in the zones of concentration of the establishments open to the public (restaurants, cheap restaurants, pastry makings…) like in the port area of Tunis, the banks of wadis, and agribusiness industries.

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