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الصفحة الرئسية الإتصال خريطة الموقع

Urbain Environment

Pollution, by its repeated attacks on the balance of the ecosystem at the level of the whole of planet, represents for the whole of the nations of the international community a major challenge in the edge of the XXI ème century.... Read more...

Pollution, by its repeated attacks on the balance of the ecosystem at the level of the whole of planet, represents for the whole of the nations of the international community a major challenge in the edge of the XXI ème century ...

Municipal laboratory
  •  The activities of the municipal laboratory enter within the framework of the mission of analysis and monitoring of the bacteriological quality of food and water of the municipality of Tunis...
     Control and sanitary inspection 
  • The municipal services in charge of the medical inspection carries out regularly various missions of control and inspection concerning 40,000 establishments open to the public, 26 permanent municipal markets...
    Medical Prestation
  • The medical department of the municipality of Tunis covers a full field of medical interventions...
    Fighting infectious diseases’ carriers
  • Within the framework of the protection of hygiene and public health in the communal perimeter of the capital...
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