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الصفحة الرئسية الإتصال خريطة الموقع
عن البلدية

City hall
Municipal council
Projects and realizations
International cooperation

    الإستقبال : Municipality  International cooperation
International Cooperation

Being distinguished by a privileged geographical location, Tunis is bound to numerous countries of the Mediterranean Sea, the Arabic world, Europe, America and Asia by agreements of cooperation and twinning.

Being distinguished by a privileged geographical location, Tunis is bound to numerous countries of the Mediterranean Sea, the Arabic world, Europe of America and Asia by agreements of cooperation and twinning.

Contact :
Service of International Relations
City hall - Square Novembre 7th - La Kasbah 1008 - Tunis.
Phone : 71 571 198
Fax : 71 562 183

  • Cooperation and twinning

  • Vienna (Austria)
    January 19th, 2008 in Tunis
    Signature of a cooperation agreement between the towns of Tunis and Vienna This agreement establishes cooperative relations in the fields:
    Town planning,
    Town and country planning,
    safeguarding of the inheritance, environment and of the cultural activity..
    November 21st, 2007 in Tunis
    Signature of a convention with the Spanish Funds of studies SICE.
    Subject of convention:
    The setting up of circulation in the town of Tunis
    Cologne (Germany)
    In June 12th, 1964 in Cologne.
    Agreement of friendship.
    Subject of convention :
    Consolidation of friendship and cooperation relationships.
    Prague (Czech Republic)

    In September 20th, 1978 in Prague.

    Agreement on the contracts of twinning between the city of Tunis and the city of Prague.
    Subject of the agreement: :
    Development of the bilateral cooperation and the exchange of experiences and expertise.
    Jeddah (Saudi Arabia)
    In November 5th, 1979 in Tunis..
    Agreement of cooperation and exchange.
     Subject of the agreement :
    Development of the bilateral cooperation in the administrative, cultural, tourist, social and economic domains.
    Tashkent (Uzbekistan)
    In April 19th, 1978 in Tunis.
    Agreement of cooperation and exchange.
    Subject of the agreement :
    Promotion of the cooperation through the exchange of experiences in the administrative, economic, social, cultural and tourist domain and by the organization of meetings and the conferences.
    Koweït (Koweït)
    In January 16th, 1988 in Koweït.
    Fraternity convention
     Subject of the agreement:
    - Development of the cooperation in cultural , social, economical and touristic fields. - Exchange of experiences and visits . .
    Marseille (France)

    in June 5th, 1989 in Tunis
    In June 12th, 1991 in Marseille..

    Draft agreement between the cities of Tunis and Marseille.
    Subject of the agreement :
    - Exchange of experiences, visits of young people.
    - Development of the cooperation in the cultural, social and economic domains.
    In July 1st, 2006 in Tunis
    Signature of four agreements :
    - An industrial cooperation agreement - an agreement of cooperation between the high-tech city El Ghazala and that of the Castle Gombert .
    - An agreement of cooperation between the technical Center of the textile(textile industry) (Cittex) and the euro Mediterranean City of the fashion in Marseille.
    June the 25th 2009 in Tunis

    Agreement between the Municipality of Tunis and the Municipality of Marseilles
    The improvement of the quality of life
    Subject of the agreement:
    Development of the cooperation to enhance the quality of life through actions carried out jointly in the fields of : urban engineering, protection of the inheritance, solidarity, training, education, health, commercial and economic development and tourism.

    Lisbon (Portugal)
    In September 3rd, 1993 in Tunis
    Agreement of friendship and cooperation.
     Subject of the agreement :

    - Promote the tourist, cultural and scientific exchanges.
    - Encourage the organization of the forums within the framework of the development of the Mediterranean region.
    - Develop the cooperation in the domains of public interest.

    Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
    In November 29th, 1993 in Tunis.
    Subject of the agreement:
    Implementing the program of cooperation in the artistic, scientific, cultural, ecological, technical, tourist and urban sectors.
    Paris ( France)
    in December 20th, 2004
    Agreement of friendship and cooperation.
    Subject of the agreement :
    Exchanges of experiences and knowledge
    in the field of:
    - town planning and urban planning.
    - cultural action and youth.
    - Focusing on the present and future major orientations of the International Association of the French-speaking Mayors ( I.A.F.M).
    Doha (Qatar)
    In June 18th, 1994 in Tunis.
    Protocol of brotherhood.
    Subject of the agreement :
    Exchange of experiences and visits in:
    - Protection of the Arabic and Muslim holdings.
    - Basic service.
    - Environmental protection.
    - Municipal regulations.
    Santiago (Chile)
    In September 25th, 1994 in Tunis.
    Protocol of friendship and cooperation.
    Subject of the agreement :
    - To develop the cooperation between both cities in the priority domains.
    - To facilitate the exchanges of experiences, and the cultural and tourist exchanges.
    Masquât ( Oman)
    In January 26th, 1995 in Tunis.
    Protocol of brotherhood.
    Subject of the agreement :
    Exchange of experiences and visits in:
    - Protection of the Arabic and Muslim heritage.
    - Basic service.
    - Environmental protection.
    - Regulations municipal elections.
    Rome (Italy)
    In February 27th, 1997 in Tunis.
    Protocol of cooperation between the cities of Rome and Tunis.
    Subject of the agreement :
    to develop the exchanges of the knowledge in the domains of the urban environment, the culture, the social affairs and the youth and sports.
    - Identify and promote the projects of decentralized cooperation and the local development.
    Moscow (Russia)
    In September 14th, 1998 in Tunis.
    Protocol of friendship and cooperation.
    Subject of the agreement :
    Development of the bilateral cooperation in the domains of public interest.
    Montreal (Canada)
    in March 22nd, 1999 in Tunis.
    Declaration of intention of friendship and cooperation between the cities of Montreal and Tunis.
    Subject of the agreement ::
    - Promotion of the cooperation in the sectors of public interest.
    - Exchange of experiences relative to the development of cities.
    - Encouragement of the relations of partnership between the bodies, the associations and the universities of both cities.
    Amman (Jordan)
    In September 16th, 1999 in Tunis.
    Convention of freindship and cooperation
    Subject of the agreement :
    - Exchange of experiences concerning the regulation of the local administration, the basic services and the protection of the heritage and quite other sector of public interest.
    - Exchange of visits and technical and administrative delegations.
    Stockholm (Sweden)
    In September 23rd, 1999 in Tunis.
    - Declaration of intention of friendship and cooperation between the cities of Stockholm and Tunis.
    Subject of the agreement :
    - Intensification of the cooperation by the exchange of experiences in the domains of the local democracy, the local finances, the social action and the culture and sports.
    - Development of projects of public interest.
    - Encouragement of the bilateral contacts
    Rabat (Morocco)
    In March 2nd, 1987 in Rabat.
    In March 18th, 1987 in Tunis
    Agreement of brotherhood and friendship.
    Subject of the agreement :
    Twinning of both cities within the framework of the unity of the Arabic Maghreb.
    Istanbul (Turkey)
    In December 2010 in Istanbul
    Cooperation agreement and of twinning between the town of Tunis and the town of Istanbul.
    Object of the convention
    Development of the bilateral cooperation through the sharing of experiences in the fields of cleanliness, protection of the environment, culture, green spaces and tourisms…
  • Decentralized cooperation

  • The city of Tunis maintains relations of cooperation with several cities: Barcelona, Athens, Bordeaux, Nice, Casablanca, Marrakesh, Algiers, Tripoli, Venice, Geneva, Byblos, London, Geneva

  • Membership in organizations:

  • The city of Tunis adheres to many national, regional and international organizations :

    National federation of the Tunisian Cities

    176 street Syria 1002 Tunis
    Phone: 216) 71 84 13 94
    Fax : (216) 71 84 48 47
    E-mail: fnvt@planet.net.tn
    Responsibility: president

    Towns and United Local Governments of Africa
    77 street Jaafar Essadek Agdal-Rabat 10600 - Realm of Morocco
    E-mail : uva@acdim.net.ma
    Responsibility : member

    Organization of the Arabic Cities

    Organization of the Arabic Cities
    Phone : 965 484 97 05
    Fax : 965 484 92 64
    E-mail : ato@ato.net
    Web site : www.ato.net
    Responsibility : member of the permanent desk

    Organization of Capitals and Islamic Cities

    Organization of Capitals and Islamic Cities

    Postal Box 2919 Makkah El-Moukarramah, Realm of Arabie - Saoudite

    Phone : 966 2 550 5195
    Fax : 966 2 550 509592 64
    E-mail : oiccmak@oicc.org
    Web site : www.oicc.org
    Responsibility : member of the administrative council

    International association of the Francophone Mayors

    Sit of the permanent Secretarial department (Secretariat) 9, halls street 75001 Paris
    Phone : 33 1 44 88 22 88
    Fax : 33 1 40 39 06 62
    E-mail : sp@aimf.asso.fr
    Web site : www.aimf.asso.fr
    Responsibility : member

    Towns and Local United Governments

    Square Avinyo 15 08002 Barcelona Spain
    Phone : 34 93 34 28 750
    Fax : 34 93 34 28 760
    E-mail : info@cities-localgovernments.org
    Web site : www.cities-localgovernments.org
    Responsibility : vice-president of the Section Africa

    World association of the Big Metropolises
    S.G : Avinyo 15 08002 Barcelona Spain
    Phone : 34 93 342 9460
    Fax : 34 93 342 9466
    E-mail : metropolis@mail.bcn.es
    Web site : www.metropolis.org
    Responsibility : member
    Organization of the Cities of the World heritage

    15 street Saint Nicholas' , 2nd floor Quebec GIK 1M8 Canada
    Phone : 1 418 692 00 00
    Fax : 1 418 692 55 58
    E-mail : secretariat@ovpm.org
    Web site : www.ovpm.org
    Responsibility : regional Sérétaire (Africa / means east)

    League of the Historic Cities
    City Hall Teramachi-oike Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto 604-8571 Japan
    Phone : 81 75 222 30 72
    Fax : 81 75 222 30 55
    E-mail : Ihes@city.Kyoto.jp
    Web site : www.city.kyoto.jp
    Responsibility : member
    Consultative committee of United Nations for the Local Authorities
    Consultative committee of United Nations for the Local Authorities
    Phone : 254 20 62 41 22
    Fax : 254 20 62 39 19
    E-mail : unacla@unhabitat.org
    Web site : www.unhabitat.org
    Responsibility : member

    Permanent committee for the Euro-Mediterranean parternership of local and regional powers
    Via Emerico Amari 162-90139- Palermo- Italy
    Phone : 39 09 16 62 22 38
    Fax : 39 09 16 62 23 04
    E-mail : coppem@coppem.org ou secretariat@coppem.org
    Web site : www.coppem.org
    Responsibility : Member
    Euromed network of Eurotowns
    Turin Municipality via corse d'appello, 16 101220 Torino Italy
    Phone : 39 011 44 37809
    Fax : 39 011 443 7878
    E-mail : office@euromed.org
    Website : www.euromed.org
    Responsibility : Member


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