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الصفحة الرئسية الإتصال خريطة الموقع
The Medina

Monuments of the Medina
Old Tunis
Opened houses
Bab Souika-Halfaouine Project
Hafsia Project
Oukalas Project
Project of the restoration of the mosque of Ezzitouna

    الإستقبال : Palaces  Khaznadar Palace
Khaznadar palace

Address : square Halfaouine

The palace was built by Prime Mi nister Mustapha Khaznadar in 1271 H/1854 AD. It was the first palace to be built with an architectural style of Italian inspiration. At the beginning of the French Protectorate it was turned over to the Jewish community to be used as a hospital. It then became a primary school for boys. When Tunisia was occupied by the Axis troops (1942-1943) it became the HQ of the Italian High Command. In 1946 it became once again a primary school. Towards the end of the 1980's, and at the completion of major restoration and rehabilitation works, it was turned over to the National Tunisian Theatre and was given the name of Theatre Palace. le milieu du XIXe siècle, le ministre Mustapha Khaznadar implante son palais à l’angle nord-est de la place de Halfaouine, construit par des ouvriers italiens et richement meublé dans un style européen aussi bien qu’oriental.

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