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الصفحة الرئسية الإتصال خريطة الموقع
The Medina

Monuments of the Medina
Old Tunis
Opened houses
Bab Souika-Halfaouine Project
Hafsia Project
Oukalas Project
Project of the restoration of the mosque of Ezzitouna

    الإستقبال : Zaouïas  Sidi al halfaoui
Zaouias of the Medina
Sidi Al Halfaoui
Address : Greenery Street
District : Bab Souika

This mausoleum is in Greenery Street (al khodhra or Greenery Street) inside Bab el-Khadra. It is dedicated to the holy man Sidi Mohamed (or Abderrahmane) al-Halfaoui, a follower of the mystical brotherhood Tariqa Chadhouliya. There is a deeply engraved belief among Tunis dwellers that descendants of this holy man have the gift of curing certain illnesses and especially jaundice. Husseini princes used to visit the mausoleum regularly. The monument has been restored on several occasions, most recently in 1996.

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