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الصفحة الرئسية الإتصال خريطة الموقع
The Medina

Monuments of the Medina
Old Tunis
Opened houses
Bab Souika-Halfaouine Project
Hafsia Project
Oukalas Project
Project of the restoration of the mosque of Ezzitouna

    الإستقبال : Zaouïas  Sidi Abi Al-Hassan Ach-Chadhouli
Zaouias of the Medina
Abi Al-Hassan Ach-Chadhouli
Address : Zallaj
District :
Sidi Al Bechir

Located on top of a hill in the Zallaj cemetery (south Tunis), the mausoleum of Sidi Abi al-Hassan achadhli has been rebuilt at least fourteen times. It acquired its present-day state at the end of the 19th century at the initiative of Prime Minister Mustapha Khaznadar. The monument is presently called Maqam achadhli and is a place of worship and devotion. From the hill where the zaouia stands there is a panoramic view of Tunis extending all the way to the Carthage heights, La Goulette and Radès. In the evening one can see the Sidi Bou Said lighthouse blinking in the east. The Maqam is made up of areas for visitors, a richly decorated sepulchre (or tourba) where some Husseini princes and princesses are buried, an open-sky courtyard or sahn with two arched galleries and a cistern. Across from the tourba there is a prayer hall divided into two sections one of which being reserved for the Sufi ritual which is held on the eve of religious holidays after the prayer of the moghrib and, in the summertime, every Thursday starting in the evening and continuing well into the night.

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