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الصفحة الرئسية الإتصال خريطة الموقع
The Medina

Monuments of the Medina
Old Tunis
Opened houses
Bab Souika-Halfaouine Project
Hafsia Project
Oukalas Project
Project of the restoration of the mosque of Ezzitouna

    الإستقبال : Zaouïas  Sidi Ali Azouz
Zaouias of the Medina
Sidi Ali Azouz
Address : 7, Sidi Ali Azouz Street
district :
the Medina

The learned and holy man Sidi Ali Azouz, born in Fez (Morocco), founded this mausoleum which is considered as the birthplace of the mystical brotherhood Tariqa al-Azouzia. The zaouia contains the tombs of some members of this brotherhood, including that of Moulay Mouslima Salama al-Alaoui, deposed Moroccan king who found refuge in Tunisia and was buried in the zaouia in 1250 H/1834 AD. As for Sidi Ali Azzouz he got buried in another mausoleum he has in the town of Zaghouan when he died in 1122 H/1720 AD. The zaouia was an important cultural space that made a major contribution to the spread of Andalusan culture in Tunisia, particularly a musical genre called Malouf which is poetry set to rhythmic music.

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