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الصفحة الرئسية الإتصال خريطة الموقع
The Medina

Monuments of the Medina
Old Tunis
Opened houses
Bab Souika-Halfaouine Project
Hafsia Project
Oukalas Project
Project of the restoration of the mosque of Ezzitouna

    الإستقبال : Zaouïas  Sidi Ben Arous
Zaouias of the Medina
Sidi Ben Arous

Address : 23, Sidi Ben Arous Street
District : the Médina

Sultan Abu Amr Othman (839-888 H/1435-1483 AD) ordered the construction of this zaouia on a lot where stood a lead-smelting workshop and offered it to Sheikh Abou al-Abbas Ahmed ibn Arous of whom he was a disciple. The holy man Sidi Ben Arous is also buried here. Currently the building is used as a public library and offices for associations dedicated to the preservation of the Koran. Recently the monument was damaged by a fire but it has been totally restored.

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