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    الإستقبال : Musical troops  Rachidia institute of the Tunisian music
Musical troops 
Rachidia institute

The adouars, the mouachahats, as well as the airs of the African and Mediterranean music and the Western classical music marked the Tunisian song and the music...

  • Rachidia institute of the Tunisian music a mission, a history…
  • The troop of Rachidia was created to safeguard the original Arab music and to develop the Tunisian inheritance by its enrichment through new creations inspired of the rules of the music ifriquienne (in reference to Ifriquiat, the old name of Tunisia).

    Conditions of creation :
    With the month of November 1934, a general meeting, behavior with the library Khaldounia treated the question of the safeguard of the Tunisian music and with its development near the young generations in reaction with the invasion of public spaces (coffees) by the Eastern discs like with the appearance of Tunisian songs with French words.

    Founders :
    The number of the founders exceeds 70 people :
    25 artists
    13 men of letters
    31 people of various origins

    The board of trustees is composed of famous intellectuals.
    Two committees artistic and literary were created. The artistic committee ensured the load of the collection of the inheritance and the revision of the new compositions. The second made up committee poets and authors concentrated itself on the study of the texts of the songs.

    The choice of the name of association :
    The name Rachidia was selected in reference to Mohamed Rachid Bey, third king husseinite who was interested in the music and the song Andalusian and which has work to enrich the Tunisian music by that by Turkey on the level as of rules and the rhythms. This king set up a music school at the palate, which was kept under the reign of the other kings.

    The musical troop and the chors :
    It is the tool of realization of the objectives of the troop to knowing, the safeguarding of the musical inheritance and the songs. It is composed of 22 members, players of instruments and choral society.
    The municipal theater sheltered its first spectacle which was recorded on a disc.

    Address : street Dar El Jeld 
    Phone : 71 560 844

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